Third Article Of The Apostles Creed

Third article of the apostles creed – The third article of the Apostles’ Creed, the Communion of Saints, is a profound declaration of the unity and fellowship among all believers in Christ. This article affirms the spiritual bond that transcends time and space, connecting the faithful throughout history and beyond.

The concept of the Communion of Saints is rooted in the belief that all Christians are part of a single, universal Church, united by the Holy Spirit. This unity extends beyond the visible realm, encompassing the saints who have passed away and the faithful who are still living on earth.

1. Belief in the Holy Spirit

Third article of the apostles creed

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son. The Spirit is the active agent of God in the world, bringing about the salvation of believers and the renewal of all creation.

Significance of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity

  • The Spirit reveals the Father and the Son to us.
  • The Spirit convicts us of sin and leads us to repentance.
  • The Spirit empowers us to live a holy life.

Examples of the Holy Spirit’s Work in the World

  • The Spirit inspired the writing of the Bible.
  • The Spirit empowers the church to carry out its mission.
  • The Spirit transforms the lives of individuals.

Role of the Holy Spirit in the Lives of Believers

  • The Spirit indwells believers, making them temples of God.
  • The Spirit guides believers in their daily lives.
  • The Spirit intercedes for believers in prayer.

2. The Holy Catholic Church

The Holy Catholic Church is the body of Christ, consisting of all believers in Jesus Christ. The Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

Definition of the Holy Catholic Church

  • One: The Church is one because it is united in faith, hope, and love.
  • Holy: The Church is holy because it is set apart for God’s purposes.
  • Catholic: The Church is catholic because it is universal, open to all people.
  • Apostolic: The Church is apostolic because it is founded on the apostles of Jesus Christ.

Unity and Diversity within the Church

The Church is both unified and diverse. It is unified in its faith, its sacraments, and its mission. However, it is also diverse in its cultures, languages, and traditions.

Mission and Purpose of the Church in the World

  • To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • To administer the sacraments.
  • To care for the poor and the sick.

3. The Communion of Saints: Third Article Of The Apostles Creed

Third article of the apostles creed

The communion of saints is the fellowship of all believers in Jesus Christ, both living and dead. This fellowship is based on our common faith in Christ and our shared hope in the resurrection.

Meaning of the Communion of Saints

  • We are united with all believers in Christ, regardless of time or place.
  • We can pray for one another and ask for their prayers.
  • We can learn from the lives of the saints.

Examples of How Saints Have Impacted the Church

  • The apostles spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.
  • The martyrs died for their faith, inspiring others to follow Christ.
  • The saints have written books, preached sermons, and founded hospitals and schools.

Importance of Prayer and Fellowship with the Saints

Prayer and fellowship with the saints help us to grow in our faith, to overcome temptation, and to live a holy life.

4. The Forgiveness of Sins


Sin is the breaking of God’s law. It separates us from God and brings condemnation upon us. However, God has made a way for us to be forgiven through Jesus Christ.

Nature of Sin and Its Consequences, Third article of the apostles creed

  • Sin is rebellion against God.
  • Sin brings guilt, shame, and condemnation.
  • Sin leads to death, both physical and spiritual.

Role of Christ in Forgiving Sins

  • Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.
  • When we repent of our sins and believe in Jesus, we are forgiven.
  • Forgiveness brings peace, joy, and freedom.

Examples of How Forgiveness Can Transform Lives

  • The woman caught in adultery was forgiven by Jesus and went on to live a new life.
  • The thief on the cross was forgiven by Jesus and entered paradise.
  • Countless people throughout history have been transformed by the power of forgiveness.

5. The Resurrection of the Body

Christian believe do

The resurrection of the body is the belief that our bodies will be raised from the dead and reunited with our souls. This belief is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christian Belief in the Resurrection of the Body

  • Our bodies will be raised from the dead.
  • Our bodies will be glorified and incorruptible.
  • Our bodies will be reunited with our souls.

Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

  • The empty tomb.
  • The appearances of Jesus to his disciples.
  • The testimony of the apostles.

Implications of the Resurrection for Believers

  • We have hope for the future.
  • We can live our lives with confidence.
  • We can look forward to eternal life.

6. The Life Everlasting

Eternal life is the gift of God to those who believe in Jesus Christ. It is a life that begins in this world and continues forever in the presence of God.

Concept of Eternal Life

  • Eternal life is a gift, not something we can earn.
  • Eternal life is a life of joy, peace, and love.
  • Eternal life is a life in the presence of God.

Different Views on Heaven and Hell

  • Heaven is a place of eternal happiness and joy.
  • Hell is a place of eternal punishment and suffering.
  • There are different views on the nature of heaven and hell.

How the Hope of Eternal Life Can Impact Our Present Lives

  • It can give us hope in the midst of suffering.
  • It can motivate us to live a holy life.
  • It can help us to focus on the things that really matter.

FAQ Guide

What is the significance of the Communion of Saints?

The Communion of Saints affirms the unity of all believers in Christ, transcending time and space.

How can we participate in the Communion of Saints?

Through prayer and fellowship with the saints, we can seek guidance, support, and inspiration.

How does the Communion of Saints impact our lives?

The example of the saints encourages us to strive for holiness and to live in communion with God and one another.